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Lynne Edwards |
Lynne Edwards -- (Lynne is short for Lynnette)
Occupation: Executive Assistant to the Vice President of
Administration at the Family Research Council (FRC)
B.A., Sociology, Mars Hill College (NC)
FRC colleague
Lynne has been a good friend for the past 2 and 1/2 years, ever since she began working at FRC. We were thrown together, literally. FRC was outgrowing our facility, so we were converting every available area into new office space. When Lynne came on board, FRC converted the small hallway just outside my office into her office. So in order for me to get to and from my office, I'd always have to walk through Lynne's office. It was a good arrangement, having someone to share with, bounce ideas off of, or just to comment about a story I was reading in the paper. I remember thinking how cool it was to be able to comment aloud about anything or about nothing in particular and know that she could not only hear me, but would respond in turn. Because of the casualness of our interactions, we got to know each other well. She's listened to my woes as well as my joys, my side comments, my thoughts!, really, and she still chooses to be my friend! Amazing!
Well, FRC moved into our own, larger building about a year and a half ago, and since then, Lynne and I have not been in as close proximity during work hours. Indeed, her brand new job has moved her to a whole different floor within FRC. But Lynne's friendship has remained strong. To me, Lynne epitomizes the Christian portrayed in 1 Corinthians 12:26 -- she rejoices with me when I rejoice, and she suffers with me when I suffer. She doesn't judge, she encourages. She doesn't complain, she prays. She doesn't get upset, she laughs. And she's set for me a great example of how to love others in the process.
Lynne also has a GREAT sense of humor! That's one of the reasons why I love being around her. She sees the beauty and humor in the ordinary things of life, and we can laugh together about my knack for always choosing the slowest lane in traffic, the "wacky" Washington weather we've been having, or work assignments when we commute to and from FRC together. (Lynne and I have been carpool buddies ever since FRC moved, and she has had to endure a whole new level of experience with me -- early morning phone calls telling her that I've overslept! =))
Lynne, thank you for being a faithful friend! You've enriched my life in so many ways!